Odd empty shops are apparent on the high street and Sheffield City Council has done a good job of hiding that by encouraging window displays in empty shops by local designers. It doesn't hide the fact that it's a shaky time for the high street and it's the same story in every high street in every town up and down the UK, some worse than others.
This has been a concern for retailers and politicians alike and Mary Portas has her long awaited review ready and due to be delivered to Downing Street tomorrow with her recommendations. It will be interesting to see what she comes up with - I have heard that she is encouraging councils to allow market stalls on the high street and she is absolutely right to do so.
This has been a concern for retailers and politicians alike and Mary Portas has her long awaited review ready and due to be delivered to Downing Street tomorrow with her recommendations. It will be interesting to see what she comes up with - I have heard that she is encouraging councils to allow market stalls on the high street and she is absolutely right to do so.
"Macclesfield is known as Treacletown,referring to the centuries old accident when a horse drawn wagon overturned, spilling its cargo of Treacle onto the cobbles"
The shops were mostly shut until they realised the few enterprising cafes and shops that opened were often doing their best trading day of the month! Not only has it brought life in to the local economy for the local producers on the stalls, who all agree it is one of the best markets they attend, the local shops are benefiting too. It is literally heaving with people in a once empty and sorry looking Sunday town centre. Quality stalls, live music and activities make it a day out and not just a shopping trip.
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