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Thursday, 26 January 2012

The Big Apple - Four Years of Innovation & Expansion!

There's a lot in the media at the moment about how insanely successful Apple have become, and it makes for some pretty amazing reading. Now the largest technology company in the world the recent sales figures out are staggering...and it's rocketed mostly in the last four years.

Apple New York

Sales Figures:

Apple grew it's sales by £14 billion last year, which is more revenue that the company even generated four years ago! A big portion of their revenue was iphones accounting for 39% of sales, which of course didn't exist 4 years ago. With total sales of £41 billion last year, they have now overtaken Microsoft at £40 billion.  Amazingly Apple has a turnover larger than the GDP of over 100 countries. Apple sold 40 million iphones last year and itunes sales were worth £2.5 billion, more than the largest music company in the world, Warner Music Group. For more sales statistics visit Business Insider.

Interestingly most of Apple's revenue, £27 billion, comes from technology categories that Apple invented:- iphone, itunes, ipad, ipods - all of which have been developed in the last four years. They only spent £1.1 billion on research and £3.5 billion on sales and marketing  compared to Microsoft who spent almost £11 billion.

I've done a blog before on why the stores work visually, the style of POP and selling .. and how they get right ..these figures really do prove just how succesful that is. The company has been going for 30 years but only opened reatil stores 10 years ago. Now with over 300 stores open and trading across 11 countries it is becoming an important part of how they sell their products. How many of us now own an ipad, an ipod, an imac and an iphone? Welcome to my i-life!

Even pussy cats like to use the ipad with games made escpecially for them!

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